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Battle of Princeton

Battle of Princeton
            After there successful victory at Trenton, the spirits were high in Washington´s Continental Army. But the general Howe as looking for a revenge so he command General Charles Cornwallis to take his 8000 man army to transferred to New York City and attack the American forces and joining to General James Grant who had a small troop in the area.
            On January 2, 1777 Cornwallis´s men fought their way to Trenton capturing the city after a brief and a sharp battle. Eventually he told his confident told his general officers that everything was in place and he would take Washington as a hunter bags a fox. But the fox had other plan. Washington unnatural slip away with most of his men, in the evening leaving 400 men in the camp they circle around the enemy making a quite stroke.
            On January 3 Lieutenant Colonel Mawhood left a small force behind in Princeton and proceeded south to join Cornwallis. He awoke to the sound of the artillery fire to his north of Princeton. The American forces were command under Brigadier General Hugh Mercer. He then realized he had been tricked and that the Continental army was attaching Princeton. It was another battle won for the Patriots while the British troop retreated toward Trenton, Washington decided not to follow knowing that his army is to small and too tiered to meet Cornwallis’s head on.

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